When using the Telos stones the Lemurians will be in your energy field, providing you with the energy you need.  Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shast £2 plus £3.00 p&p per set


(UK Deliveries only except Ireland)



When using the Telos stone the Lemurians will be in your energy field, providing you with the energy you need. Telos is an ancient Lemurian City that exists right beneath Mount Shasta in the USA. It's a real city in the physical realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity, as the City of Telos has a very special frequency of love.


The Telos energy has been channelled into the 5 programmed stones and is used and placed in a special "grid" on and around a person. The stones will automatically connect to each other and start broadcasting the love frequency to the body. This is very relaxing and often results in healing on a deep level. The system is very easy to perform and can be used for distance healing too.




The receiver should lie down and place 1 stone in each hand, 1 stone at each foot and 1 at the head. This will automatically start the healing session which normally takes 10-15 minutes. Say mentally or out loud, "I will now receive the healing I need for my greatest good, thank you".


Distance Healing

Write the name of the receiver on a piece of paper or have a photo of the person. Place the stones on and/or around the name. Place the first stone and loud/mentally say “head”. The second stone and say “left hand”. The Third stone and say “right hand”. The fourth stone and say “left foot” and the fifth stone and say “right foot", then say mentally or out loud, "(name) will now receive the healing they need for their greatest good, thank you". A session normally takes 10-15 minutes.


Room Grids

Hold the stones in your hands and say mentally or loud, “These stones are connected, they form a grid of peace, love and harmony where they are placed”. Place them, one in each corner of the room and feel the energy change and become more positive and lighter in just a few minutes.


The bonus of the Telos stone is that they never need to be cleansed (as crystals often do), as they will not absorb negative energy. Try placing a Telos stone in your bath before you get in and feel the energy relax you as you soak.



All gifts can be purchased through PAY PAL, payments to -  Credit card payments accepted through Paypal too.


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