Dean Kingett is now teaching and attuning others as well as running his own healing sanctuary and development classes.  Those students interested can either do their training with him at the sanctuary or they can be attuned distantly by arranging a mutual time with him to receive their attunements.  Full course manuals will be given to each student to help their understanding and progression along with proof of lineage.  Certificates will also be provided upon completion.

To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email



Reiki is a Japanese form of healing which was brought to us by Dr Mikao Usui.  There are three levels to this healing art as you learn and progress further with each one.



  Level one opens you up to the healing energy and you learn the basic hand positions and basic knowledge.  Some people choose to stay at this level simply to heal their family and friends.  This level does not allow you to charge for your services, but does explain about the aspects of balance.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £95.00 - Distant £50



 Level two is the practitioner level as you advance with more knowledge and understanding and you receive the three sacred Reiki symbols to further empower and enhance you healing skills.  This level also means you may gain your insurance to practice on anyone and so charge for your services.  It also covers the setting up of your own practice with guidance and useful tips.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £145.00 - Distant £100

 * Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level I to take this attunement.


 REIKI III (Master level including teacher level )

  Level three is the high point of your Reiki journey and enables you to become a master and teacher of this wonderful healing art.  You receive the final sacred Reiki symbol, the master symbol.  This allows you to teach and attune others to Reiki if you so wish and brings more guidance and knowledge with it.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £195.00 - Distant £150


REIKI GRAND MASTER (Levels 5 - 18)

These Reiki Grand Master degree's are referred to as the secret degrees and or the higher master degrees.  These energies are absolutely amazing to work with and very easy to use.

These powerful attunements include symbols that are 'channelled symbols' handed down by Spirit to further help us all.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunements on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level III master to take these attunements.

Cost of all attunement levels including manual and certificate £250.00


This new energy form will help let go of abandonment issues and heal the voids that are left behind from them along with healing the astral cords that attached you to the person(s) or thing(s) that contributed to the abandonment issues.

A lot of the time the issues come from the ones closest to us, as these are the ones we have the strongest connections and ties with, along with the strongest astral energy cords. So when something does happen in our lives this is when these issues arise.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00


 Above the Radar Reiki is an intention based energy that helps to open the aura to receive positive attention and recognition. It helps release fears of being seen or noticed, but is not just for shy people. It is also for those who have intentionally or unintentionally clipped their own wings to avoid standing out in a crowd.

Staying below the radar may be a way to play safe, but it can hold you back when it comes to getting what you want in life. This attunement will help open up the chakra's and aura to allow the right kind of positive attention to bring gifts of love, prosperity and success. 

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others. 

 * No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £7.00

ANGEL RIEKI (Master/Teacher)

This three part attunement combines Angels and Reiki as the angels are incorporated into the Reiki attunement and assist in the healing.  Most angels do not generally interact with humans unless specifically asked, but Guardian Angels are always with us.  The Archangels though take particular interest in humans and assisting and strengthening us.  The Angel Reiki System is a way to connect to the loving healing power of the Angels and with the Reiki Source energy.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £30.00

BAM REIKI (Master/Teacher)

The energies of this attunement work like an explosion that causes blocks and negative energies to break up and fall away.  Bam Reiki works to smash and blast away psychic attacks of all kinds, negative energies that surround you, environmental and personal attachments that are not for your highest good, and any other dark and negative energies, thoughts or patterns that prevent your ability to be successful, happy, healthy and prosperous.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00

 BEAR REIKI (Master/Teacher)

The Bear is a totem/power animal and symbolizes many positive qualities.  This attunement connects you to 3  Bears in particular, the Brown Bear, Panda Bear and Polar Bear.  Once attuned you can also connect to the celestial bears for help in meditation, guidance and healing.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to1 others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner or equivalent to take this attunement

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00

CONSCIOUS REIKI (Master/Teacher)

This healing system helps to develop or strengthen ones consciousness and aid in some of the mental difficulties that people experience such as, dyslexia, ADHD, speech difficulties, limited concentration, an overly busy mind, anxiety, depression, autism, aspergers syndrome etc.

Apart from these mental difficulties, it will also help one to develop and anchor their ascended master consciousness awareness and enlightenment.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

D.N.A. HEALING REIKI (Master/Teacher)

 It is meant to improve physical health by fixing any errors in a persons DNA or spiritual (energetic) DNA. This energy is intended to work especially well for those with chronic or degenerative illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, MS and others. You can also use this energy to work on other health issues or to improve general health and well being.

The idea is that degenerative, chronic illnesses which are notoriously hard to cure using energy healing, are caused by an error or errors in the persons energetic blueprint, (spiritual DNA).  These errors can then be manifested and worsened in the physical body by contamination of the energetic system through an assault of negative energy on a person, or via a systematic draining of a persons life force energy due to psychic vampirism etc.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others. 

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

DRAGON KI REIKI (Master/Teacher)

The Dragon symbolises power and excellence, valiancy and boldness, heroism and perseverance, nobility and divinity.  Dragons bring the ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune.  The Dragon overcomes obstacles until the power is theirs.  They are energetic, decisive, optimistic, intelligent and ambitious.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00

DRAGON REIKI I - II (Master/Teacher)

The different kinds of Dragons are considered to have very different abilities. They are strong, cruel, courageous, helpful, intelligent, wise, are in connection to magic, and they are the keeper of secret knowledge and much more.

Dragons are the mightiest forces of the ethereal realms, but are belonging to the fire element too,  They are able to show up simultaneously in the elements water, air, fire and earth.

Dragons are the keepers you can find at the doors to wisdom, they are heaven-sent messengers. Mighty in protection, perfection, superordinately vision, highest luck and with big power and strength are for the ones which are born under their power, blessed with their strength or under protection of this power.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00

ELEMENTAL REIKI (Master/Teacher)

This unique style of Reiki beautifully combines the healing energy of Reiki with the Goddess, Elemental, and Pagan symbology and can be used for both healing purposes and connection with the elements. The Elemental Reiki course will guide you through the various frequencies of the energy symbols and techniques that you can use to improve and enrich your life.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki master or equivalent to take this attunement.

 Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00

EXCALIBUR REIKI (Master/Teacher)

This attunement allows you to tap into the energies of Merlin and the Lady of the Light to heal and manifest.  You will receive the symbols of Excalibur, the sword of truth and the Holy Grail, Chalice of Enlightenment.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to1 others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner or equivalent to take this attunement

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00



Eye of the Storm Reiki connects you to Spirit and the calm, centeredness of the Eye of the Storm to help you remain calm, in control of any situation, and protected. When there is chaos all around you, and you feel overwhelmed by all of the drama, all of the stress, and pressure of situations in your life, you need a safe place to regain your senses and stay protected from all of the negative energies flying around you.

The Eye of the Storm Reiki helps you to be able to relax, and know that you are safe. It shields you from the chaos and it helps you remain untouched by any psychic attacks, gossip, and negativity that others may throw at you. When you can be in the Eye of the Storm, all of the stress, life dramas, and negative energies whirl around you without touching you, until they run their course and spin off to be transmuted into light and love. You are in the calm, peaceful, Eye of the Storm, and you are safe.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £17.00

FRACTAL REIKI I - III  (Master/Teacher)

Fractal Reiki through already established meridians in your body and easily replenishes all fractal structures and pathways. Bronchial tubes, arteries, brain, alveolar membranes, inner and outer mitochondrial membranes and endoplasmic reticulum are all fractals. So much of your body will naturally resonate with Fractal Reiki.

This system is both for self use and for channelling in person or long distance for clients, friends or loved ones.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00


Guardian Angel Reiki works in a number of ways:

1. It enhances the connection between the Reiki practitioner and their own angelic guardian, who can assist with healing's.

2. It can give clients a direct feeling of angelic energy, personalized to them and providing comfort.

3. It can remove negative blocks and thought forms around those who are blocked from receiving angelic guidance.

4. It can help “call in” a new guardian angel for the recipient, whether they already have a guardian angel or not.

The Guardian Angel Reiki energies are protective and gentle. They are easy to use and safe as well as effective. They cannot harm anyone, and they will connect the recipient only with the highest energies for their own good.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00

 INNER REIKI (Master/Teacher)

This system helps to shine the light of the soul out to the world. The light of our soul sometimes dims and often gets buried beneath the external muck. In extreme cases the soul or pieces of the soul will actually leave the body, and depression, anxiety or a sense of numbness can result.

Inner light Reiki helps strengthen the light of the soul so that it can shine forth more brightly. The stronger the light of the soul, the more healing can take place.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £10.00

INTUITION REIKI (Master/Teacher)

Intuition Reiki provides support and assistance in developing intuition. It helps to clear the energy around the third eye and remove biases and fears that make it difficult to hear spiritual information. Just doing regular Reiki consistently can improve intuition, and many Reiki practitioners report becoming more psychic after being attuned. Intuition Reiki provides specific energies and exercises for enhancing intuition, beyond what regular Reiki accomplishes.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

 Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00

 KARUNA KI REIKI (Master/Teacher)

Karuna Ki evolved from other Karuna arts. Similarities that it shares include the Symbols: Zonar, Halu, Harth, Rama, Gnosa, Kriya, Shanti, Iava, Om, Fire Serpent, and the Tibetan Master Symbol.

The basic principle of Karuna Ki is the connection to (and becoming) the embodiment of compassion both for healing self and others, and to send healing and compassion to all creation. The attunement and subsequent meditations link us to the compassion of God (which we all already are and have!), and it is through this power that we heal.

Karuna Ki is different. It has a two faceted attunement system. For those who are already Reiki or Seichim Masters, there is a singular Karuna Ki Master attunement that attunes you to all the symbols and to the Master level in one attunement. For those with less than master energy work, there is a three levelled attunement system.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites needed to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £35.00

KUNDALINI REIKI (Master/Teacher)

Kundalini Reiki is a very straightforward healing technique which consists of three attunements (plus boosters) in order to open up and strengthen the energy channels of our bodies.  Anyone healing after recieving these attunements will find their ability to channel considerably strengthened.  Although similar to traditional Reiki, Kundalini has the advantage of reaching far beyond the traditional Reiki systems.  Once a Kundalini Reiki healer has been awakened, the channelling capabilities are greatly improved.  Furthermore, this combination of energies work in synergy to promote spiritual healing and spiritual evolution towards enlightenment.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £35.00


This attunement has been brought forth to assist with your ascension by anchoring pure love and light into your being and so helping you to heal on every level and raise your vibration to higher levels of ascension continuously. This system will continue to strengthen and take you further the more you use it each day.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement. 

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


This system energises the heart chakra while assisting with emotional balance of the gastrointestinal system of the body. It helps to develop flexibility for a broad range of emotional difficulties, thus mastery of the heart centre. It eases emotional stress that effects the abdomen, spleen, digestion and helps with transcending this area into the seed of power, initiating balance, health and the ability to assimilate nutrients. It helps to re-channel stress and anxiety into grounding and clarity.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5.99

MAGIC REIKI I - II (Master/Teacher)

A system of energetic healing which deals with the world of ghosts, magic and witchcraft. It helps clean a space from negative substances, lifts clan curses, carry out exorcisms as well as neutralize negative programs created with the help of witchcraft and negative impulses, including programs created in the past or previous lives.

Apart from healing the body, the soul and life, Magic Reiki helps create powerful protection for the person and the space.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00


LEVEL 1 - Will clear out the blockages in the energy body and will clear the negative debris in the aura.

LEVEL 2 - Will clear out the other levels of the aura to make them more vibrant and energetic.

LEVEL 3 - Will clear out the negative things from the seven chakra's so the positive energy can move more freely.

LEVEL 4 - This is the practitioner level and you can heal others and take out negative things with the symbol given.

LEVEL 5 - The Master/Teacher level which enables you to pass on the attunement and brings more use of the symbol.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00


This attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed.  These negative thought patterns are released to be transformed into positive energies.  By letting go of negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow positive things that the universe has for us to come into us.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00



Connecting with the Pixie Unicorns will help you to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. Though their energies are strongest when helping you to heal from some emotional trauma or emotional pain. Call on the Pixie Unicorns to spread joy and happiness throughout your life, and to help you heal relationships and broken hearts.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


 This is accessible to everyone, even those not certified to Reiki. It contains a guided meditation and visualizations and combines things like traditional Reiki and colour therapy with candle work. It is an excellent "beginner Reiki" program, as it is effective and yet easy to use and has no complicated symbols to learn. It helps the body, mind and spirit heal and balance.  Candle light fire is used as a protection from negative energies as we connect to the flame.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


SACRED MOON REIKI (Master/Teacher)

Sacred Moon Reiki is good for a wide range of problems just to name a few, addictions, bad habits and suppressed energies from abuse and much more. The purpose for Sacred Moon Reiki is to bring Unity to Mind, Body and Spirit as well as Global Unity among all of nature.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement. 

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00

STARLIGHT REIKI I - II (Master/Teacher)

This is a pure healing energy, which is derived from the universal light energy bank from all around us. It is spiritual, peaceful and transformational, allowing blocks to simply disappear. It is easy to use and works well with any other energy or touch therapy. It is simple enough for novice healers as there are no symbols to learn and it works by intent alone.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £17.00


The training is aimed to all Reiki Masters and helps to improve the quality of care during a treatment. Its main goal is to raise the vibrational level of the initiated but also to raise the mental ans spiritual qualities of the Master Practitioner in order to perfect their commitment towards the divine plane.

This transmission brings us back to our forgotten sources of knowledge dating back to Atlantis and Lemuria. It permits us to our hidden memories where we already transmitted the love energy of our diamond heart. It also allows us to fill up with the energy of the seven Ascended Masters, while developing our abilities of channelling as well as our healing power.

 Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki master or equivalent to take this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £15.00


TIGER REIKI (Master/Teacher)

The healing energy of Tiger Reiki can work on its own or in conjunction with Usui Reiki.  It allows you to open up to your guardian Tiger and all the other coloured Reiki Tigers.  Each Tiger comes with its own unique healing gifts and qualities and they can also be used for protection.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

* Please note you must be a Usui Reiki level II practitioner or equivalent to take this attunement.

 Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £20.00



To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email


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