Students interested in these Animal Attunements can be attuned distantly and in their own time and convenience. Full course manuals will be sent to each student to help their understanding, progression and use. Certificates will also be provided.

  To book your attunement in distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -

Only £5 Each



Are you exhausted from meeting the demands of others? Do you often feel others have no respect for your time?

When armadillo shows up it may be time to set your boundaries. The medicine of this animal teaches you how to protect yourself naturally and keep others from taking advantage of you.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Bear teaches the need for introspection and its purpose. To accomplish goals and dreams and to digest the truths you've learned - introspection is necessary. Bear teaches you to a tune yourself to the energies of the Earth and receive nourishment from the Great Void.

The Great Void is the place where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill our realities. Bear teaches you to quiet your mind, enter the silence and know.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Black Panther's Power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming Power.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Buffalo teaches that through right action and prayer or meditation, that one doesn't have to struggle to survive. By uniting the mundane and the divine appropriately, all that should be needed is available. Your intent and action must be behind the focus of your need to see the need met. The spiritual and mundane are necessary to find what one seeks. 

The buffalo is a reminder that there is no need to force or push something, if you have the balance between the two forces mentioned above at work in your goal, the path to that goal will unfold before you. Do what you have to do then let things take their course. If you take care of your part in obtaining your goal, the universe will take care ofthe rest.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

BAT EMPOWERMENT (Master/Teacher)

When bat flies into your life, transformation of the ego self is about to occur. The old familiar patterns and ideas that have been your truth are about to change. That which once worked for you - may no longer do so. The process of transformation represents a death and a rebirth. 

The bat offers you the wisdom necessary to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity. When bat appears, it is asking you to surrender yourself to the process

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Butterflies are powerful symbols for transformation and change throughout many traditions and belief systems.

To wear or have around you the symbol of butterfly is to state your intention to flutter through life in joy. Butterfly teaches us that patience brings its rewards and as long as we keep working and developing ourselves the final glorious butterfly stage will come. To wear butterfly is to set your target like an archer - joy is my goal, joy is my reality, joy will come, joy is here now.

When we encounter butterflies in our daily lives they are always a joy to find and a good totem.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


The medicine lesson that Cheetah teaches is that often, when we want to progress quickly, we need to stay flexible. Situations change and we must be willing to change with them. We invoke Cheetah medicine when we need to accelerate our material or spiritual progress.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


The condor is said to be a symbol of death and rebirth and new vision. Condor totem represents a burning desire to see different points of view. Perhaps argumentative at first, watchers soon see the reasoning creator and the sensitive leader within his/her spirit.

Condor energy guides you to unexpected new heights of awareness. Perspectives change, and you start to see life on a bigger, grander scale, one that you never thought was ever possible to see with your own eyes.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Cougar teaches with diligence and focus, opportunities will present themselves. With the help of Cougar you may find new avenues of prosperity. He asks that you remain ready, so you can move quickly when the right doors open. If there is more than one path presenting itself to you, cougar reminds you to follow your instinct. 

The important thing to remember is all good things come to those who wait. You may have to be patient and remain hidden in the grass until your prey presents itself.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


If Coyote comes to you, you can expect lessons. They may not be what you want and you may or may not like it. Coyote often shows up when we are taking ourselves too seriously. Laughter is powerful in the teachings of Coyote. 

He can best be seen as the Wise fool.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Deer people heal others through warmth and caring. The love and innocence that shines behind their eyes can heal the deepest of wounds. Deer calls to you to live life with a gentle graceful approach. With the appearance of Deer you can feel an acceleration of your intuitive powers. 

A love of nature and silence is predominant and you will find that you can think clearly when you spend quiet time away from others.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

DOG EMPOWERMENT (Master/Teacher)

Dog reminds you that your loyalty should always be to yourself, to your own truth. He reminds you that by respecting and valuing yourself you can truly render a service to those who honour what you can give them.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Dolphin medicine teaches you how to link yourself to the Creator and find answers not only for yourself, but for others as well.

Dolphin teaches you to laugh, flow through life in rhythm with the universe. It reminds you to spread joy to others and take time to breath and know that we are all whole in the eyes of the Creator.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


The dragonfly is the keeper of dreams, the knower within that sees all of our true potential and ability. The dragonfly strips away the illusions that say to us we cannot achieve our dreams and goals that we are not worthy or capable when in fact it is our birth right and our true power to create anything we choose!

Dragonfly also connects us with the power of colour and the ability to work with many different colours to achieve anything we want to experience in life.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Eagle teaches us the ability to see the highest truth or highest viewpoint. Connection from earth to sky symbolising balance and spiritual energy.

That we have the ability to reach great heights when we find the courage to do so.

Eagle teaches us That freedom is our birth right

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


This beautiful creature holds the teachings of compassion, loyalty, strength, intelligence, discernment and power to name a few. If this is your medicine these virtues are a part of your natural character. By applying these gifts in your life soul evolution is achieved.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


This particular spirit helper will be very loyal to you and very respectful of your earth walk to higher awareness. You may expect to experience a number of extremely significant astral or out-of-body, journeys to other dimensions of reality. 

Your falcon guide will fly with you to astonishing recreations of the past and remarkable projections of the future, all of which will aid you in creating positive applications for more successful achievements in the present.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

FOX EMPOWERMENT (Master/Teacher)

Fox is a nocturnal creature and is often seen during the time of dusk and dawn. These are the between times when the veils between the two worlds are thinnest. Fox may be drawing you gently into other realms when it appears to you. 

It is the greatshapeshifter and it may benefit you to observe and look for changes occurring in your life following encounters with fox.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Frog teaches of cleansing and honoring our tears because they cleanse the soul. Frog can teach you when it's time to refresh, purify and refill the coffers of the soul. It teaches you to breathe, relax, step away from stress in what ever form it make be appearing in your life.

This medicine teaches you to rid yourself of distractions and replace them with clear energy. This medicine teaches how to clear away negativity and give support where it's needed.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Goat medicine is about the determination to climb to the summit and the wisdom to leap over or butt away all obstacles in his path.

Invoke him for the ability and willpower to get to the top. This sure-footed animal is also playful, mischievous, earthy, lusty and known for his ability to digest and glean nutrition from almost anything. Call upon goat for all these medicine powers.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Those with this totem need to keep their personal energy fields clear of outside influences to aid them in staying centered and focused.

When the kangaroo hops into a persons life get ready for adventure and change. The kangaroo dares you to leap into the unknown without fear, connect with your personal rhythms and honor your intuitive knowing. The choice is yours.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Leopard medicine is about feeling one's way in the dark. We can call upon Leopard for the ability to understand the mysteries of the darkness, the subconscious, the shadow aspect of our innermost selves.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Those with this totem have easy going personalities although if treated unfairly they can become stubborn and wilful.

When the llama appears to us lessons involving service, sacrifice, and balance are at hand. They show us how to incorporate patient persistence, equality and inspired action into our life.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

LYNX ATTUNEMENT (Master/Teacher)

Lynx will not let you down on either the physical or astral plain when called upon.  On a meditational journey Lynx will keep you safe, and for use in healing Lynx has many powers that can assist you in your work.

Working and learning with Lynx will help you to open your mind to what you can achieve on all levels.  

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Moose is the teacher of self-esteem. Learn to take joy and pride in accomplishments. Moose teachers how to balance giving orders to get things done and the willingness to do things yourself.

Moose medicine allows one to become an adviser of others and a teacher, moose medicine teaches to encourage others to learn and grow and recognize their accomplishments as well, sharing in the joys of others. Moose is gentle and calm, knowing when and how to be strong and bold. Moose knows what to say, when to say it and to whom.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


When otter appears in your life it is asking you to let go of worry and pain, lighten up and enjoy what life has to offer. Trust your inner knowing, develop trust for others and embrace the world with excitement and enthusiasm. Life is what we make it. The otter shows us how to create a joyful future. All we need to do is follow its lead.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

OWL EMPOWERMENT (Master/Teacher)

When you have been attuned to the energies of the owl, you will have access to its attributes.

Owl medicine is associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, and magic.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Penguin is a powerful totem to have and helps you change your reality, move between the worlds and awaken full consciousness. 

If this master bird appears in your life get ready for a life altering course of mystery, intrigue and transformation. Once you have explored uncharted waters there will be no turning back.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Raccoon is a good omen. He is a protector, clean, cunning and helpful.

Raccoon medicine can teach you to change your face. Are you hiding behind a mask? Is someone close to you not what they appear to be? Do you need to present a new face to the world? These answers can be found within with Raccoons help.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Raven is a messenger indicates that you need to make changes in the way you perceive things and gives you the ability to see what has to be changed.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £6.99


The Scarab brings new life and vitality. It can teach you how to pace yourself through the seasonal changes of the year. Also, gives insight into past lives and spiritual enlightenment.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Those with this totem try to remember that the complementary side of a carefree nature is the proper acceptance of responsibility.

Is there something in your life that makes you want to get away or get a different point of view? Maybe a seagull represents triumph over difficulty. They usually get a bad rap but they are survivors.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


For one who draws this Totem to them, truth, honesty & integrity are cornerstones of their fundamental being.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


The power of the swan lies in accepting the gift of change. As the swan submits to the higher plan of the Great Spirit, it evolves from the "ugly duckling" in its youth to a graceful adult swan.

Since it is willing to accept this gift, it is allowed to see into dreams. People with its power can see into the future, because they are willing to let the plan of divine power materialize. 

The swan teaches to bring consciousness into balance with all levels of being and develop ones intuition.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Those with this medicine have a strong sensitivity to touch and make excellent body workers. Creating sacred space where others cannot enter, spending time alone in order to gather the energy required to move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous for those with this totem. 

When tiger appears get ready for adventure, challenge and change. The power, passion and vitality of tiger will activate the same components within yourself.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


If you find yourself in a situation where you are vulnerable or in a crisis, call on Turtle. Turtle Medicine is based on establishing that strong safe haven for you. If you have felt crowded by others or the need to create some space that is just your own, do so. 

Turtle will teach you non attachment. Our homes are within and it is up to us to make sure it is a safe place for us to live. It is in the quiet calm that we reach the Divine within us.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


We can learn to accept and embrace death with greater understanding through the Vulture. They have the ability to not only locate death but nourish themselves from it. Is there someone who has passed over and may be trying to communicate with you? Is there a relationship in your life where all communications have died? 

The lessons of this totem can help you find resolution. The “magic” of the energy is unconditional and transcendent love.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Wolf's Wisdom Includes - 

 Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage.

Death and rebirth

Spirit teaching

Guidance in dreams and meditations

Instinct linked with intelligence

Social and familial values

Outwitting enemies

Ability to pass unseen


Skill in protection of self and family

Taking advantage of change

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5


Those with this medicine often take on the role of a kind hearted protector of friends and family. They are excellent therapists and serve others with genuine compassion.

For those with this totem is to maintain ones individuality while harmoniously interacting socially and personally is one of the messages it carries. Compromise in personal relationships can be challenging.

Once you are attuned it also gives you the ability to pass the attunement on to others.

*No pre-requisites to this attunement.

Cost of attunement including manual and certificate £5

 To book your attunement in the sanctuary or distantly to raise your spiritual vibration please email -

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